
2014年2月19日 星期三

IBST Family Spring Trip IBST春遊活動開始報名了---4/19-20


歡迎新家庭活動。活動行程如下,誠摯邀請家長學生參與這次的活動!請於2/27 (星期
) 前回覆報名。費用 2000-3000. 雙人房-四人房. 費用含住宿+早餐+晚餐+下午茶.
第二天中午BBQ 費用 180 /人.另計.

Dear IBST parents:
Happy Chinese New Year! We are to hold a spring trip to Kaohsiung Liugui 's
Sunping Village. This beautiful by-the-river resort has different facilities
of open field, sports, camping, spa, Karaoke, meeting rooms... for people of
all ages. This trip aims to expand the networks between parents, and address
college preparation for senior students (G8-G12) shared by experienced
parents and students. The agenda is as below. We sincerely invite you
parents and students to join us! Please reply to Tracy before 2/27(Thursday).

The fee is NT$2000-3000 per room which include breakfast and dinner and afternoon tea.
The BBQ of 2nd day lunch cost $180/ per.

2:00-5:00 College Preparation, local tour
3:00-   Check in
6:00            Dinner
8:00-9:00 Parents & students Discussion

9:30            Hiking, local tour
11:30   BBQ and lunch time
15:00   Back to sweet home

Minutes of 2/8 Second Meeting of the Parent Committee of IBST Booster Club 2/8南科實中雙語部家長聯誼會第二次會議

The agenda of this meeting is as follows:
1.      What was done the last semester
2.      IBSH (竹科實中) visit sharing
3.      Retreat on 4/19&20 and activities
4.      WASC (parent survey, PD…)
5.      Fund raising (for air conditioners in some classrooms)
6.      Newsletter (Google Blog)
7.      Directory of G1~G12 parents
8.      Others

1.      The service report of IBST Booster Club for the last semester was emailed to members on 2/7 (to all parents on 2/9 after the meeting).
2.      The visit to IBSH was successful and many of their methods can be referenced by us. The visit record is in the service report mentioned above.
3.      The major activity of this semester Spring Trip will be held on 4/19, 20 to expand the networks between parents and address college preparation for senior students (G8~G12) and the parents. Lessors will be given and shared on examinations and college application by experienced students and parents. Professor Tang and Sylvia (student chair) will organize such a meeting and discussion.
4.      WASC needs to do parent survey. Susanne had prepared a questionnaire which was emailed to members for comments. Another WASC thing is parent (or family) profile, which will be prepared by the IBST administration.
5.      The Chinese capability and levels of students as well as the CSL teachers will be discussed with the IBST at the next meeting.
6.      Fund raising will be prepared for such as administration staff or air conditioners in some classrooms. Fund raising will be handled together with the membership fee collection in this semester. Administration subsidy will be discussed with the IBST at the next meeting.
7.      The cost for air conditioners and the playground facility by the G1 classroom can be requested to the Southern Scientific Park Administration.
8.      A directory of parents will be prepared to include emails and phone numbers to facilitate the networking among parents. The parents’ agreement will be solicited.
9.      Secretary Lisa has established a Newsletter for IBST parents (ibstparents) on the Google Blogger, which site will be gradually used for news and communications among parents.
10.  Some money should be spent on hiring a part-time person to help the work of the Club.
11.  $10,000 will be subsidized for this year’s prom. Students of Grade 7 to 12 can attend. The activities such as MUN, soccer, debate, prom, etc. can be subsidized regularly from the next year.
12.  The Booster Club will set up a table at the P/T meeting time on 2/25, to introduce to especially new parents the Club’s activities such as the Spring Trip and offer help to parents who might need it.

The following are discussions conclusions in Chinese.
1.      聯誼會上學期服務報告已於昨天(2/7) email給各委員(並於2/9 email給全體家長)
2.      竹科實中拜訪相當有收穫,許多措施值得我們參考,紀錄寫於報告中。
3.      這學期將於4/1920舉辦春遊,擴大家長間的認識與聯繫,並針對高年級(8~12)學生,分享指導升學準備如考試、申請學校,甚或邀請校友回來,適合家長及學生一起參加。Tracy負責整個活動,聯繫扇平山莊、家長報名等。唐經洲教授連同學生會主席Sylvia,協助組織第一天2~5點會議及8~9點討論。
4.      WASC需要的家長調查(parent survey)Susanne已準備一問卷,請大家提供意見。Susanne修改後,請林輝堂教授檢查後回Susanne定稿,轉給學校用。關於家長背景(parent profile)、學生入學各種條件如家長為南科員工或教授學生母語為何等資料,請雙語部調查(上次與雙語部行政會議討論過)。雙語部師資介紹應再開放
5.      學生中文程度、CSL教師等問題,下次會議提出與雙語部討論。
6.      募款準備,例如補助職員、冷氣募款將與下學期會費收取一併作業。補助職員將於下次會議提出與雙語部討論。
7.      冷氣及一年級教室旁設施所需經費,可由全校家長會呂會長及雙語部張會長,會同學校拜訪南科園區,請求編預算補助。
8.      為家長間容易認識、聯繫方便,準備製作全體家長通訊錄,內容將有email及電話,將詢各家長同意。
9.      秘書Lisa 已於Google Blogger建立一網誌Newsletter for IBST parents (ibstparents)供訊息發布、交流,將告知大家逐漸使用
10.  應花錢雇部分時間人員,協助處理本聯誼會工作,否則有人事情太多。
11.  補助今年度高中畢業舞會(7~12年級學生可參加)一萬元。下年度開始,將請雙語部列出重點事項如辯論足球MUN固定補助

2/25 PTA information Table

2/25 is PTA day....
We set a information table at PM 4:00-4:25, helping parents get to know more about us and school. Welcome to visit us...

2014年2月10日 星期一

IBST Booster Club Newsletter Start...

The Booster Club will try to use this blog to issue news.

1/17 竹科參訪之行分享

1/17 到竹科拜訪 大有收穫...
因應WASC,課程精進,評鑑,前年開始每年舉辦Taiwan Educators Association (TEA),有100多人參加,包括IBST教師。
另成立Corel Reef Student Ambassadors,舉辦Hsin MUN等。
加入WASC要先有common course standards,選擇適合的教材,有行為指標,2013年舉辦TEA,就課綱邀請該領域講師。
現在G1~G12有common assessments,curriculum maps。另有Student support team (SST),採用MAP (measures of academic progress),一年可測驗4次,可找廠商來說明。舉辦校友回娘家活動,與學弟妹分享。counselors會與家長各自談,其待遇高,難請,要留住人。另採technology support learning,運用網路學習。在家長支援方面,有WASC leadership members兩位,每年有career day,Fund raising募職員、教師出國、進修,冷氣等經費。
IBST 家長聯誼會會長及多位家長代表提出相關問題也多有所回應,對未來IBST的努力方向有更明確的想法。
IBSH Visit Minutes
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu (IBSH) has 30-year successful experience in bilingual education. IBST Principal Lin and Director Martina and six Booster Club members visited them and learned things that can be referenced on the IBST’s further development. Some experiences IBSH school and its PTA shared with us are stated below.
Time: 1/17/2014 10:00am~2:00pm
Place:IBSH in Hsinchu
Attendees: IBSH Principal Christine Huang, Director Jessica Wang, Secretary Tiffany Chen
IBST Principal Lin, K. T., Director Martina Lin; Booster Club: Andrew Chang, Susanne Ganz, Yu-Ching Kao, H. T. Lin, J. J. Tang, David Liu
IBSH offers many (17) AP courses. To meet the requirements of WASC, the common course standards were established and the courses and teachers were evaluated. Taiwan Educators Association (TEA) was held since 2012 to provide professional development to teachers in which IBST teachers also attended. Experienced speakers were invited from the US to offer such training. Common assessments and curriculum maps are offered to G1 to G12. Alumni were invited back to share experience and give advice to current students. Counselors are important and expensive. They talk with individual parents about their children’s situations. Fund raising is done annually to supplement school budget, for hiring administrative staff, teacher training, air conditioners in classrooms, student activities, etc. Cross-department courses and activities are offered to students of different departments.
Time: 1/17/2014 2:30pm~3:10pm Place: IBSH PTA Office
Attendees: IBSH PTA Rian Li (President), Jennifer Tsai (VP G10-12), Minnie Lu (VP 4-6), Catherine Huang (VP 1-3), Jessica Chen (Secretary)
IBST Booster Club: Andrew Chang, Susanne Ganz, Yu-Ching Kao, H. T. Lin, David Liu
The IBSH PTA’s operation just follows the 30-year tradition, in which the parents participate in the school’s activities and donate money. The parents are requested to contribute help to her/his chosen service jobs. At the school year beginning, the school will propose the fund needed (about NT$1.3 million) with items mentioned above. The PTA will raise the money from all parents proportionally based on the number of students. For example, they have almost 600 students. Each student parent is about to donate $2,000. In addition to that, a student parent needs to pay the $1,000 membership fee per year. The fee is collected almost completely from all parents. The PTA has an office in which parents gather from time to time and know each other well.

活動預告....IBST Family Spring Trip 春遊



Dear IBST parents:
Happy Chinese New Year! We are to hold a spring trip to Kaohsiung Liugui 's
Sunping Village. This beautiful by-the-river resort has different facilities
of open field, sports, camping, spa, Karaoke, meeting rooms... for people of
all ages. This trip aims to expand the networks between parents, and address
college preparation for senior students (G8-G12) shared by experienced
parents and students. The agenda is as below. We sincerely invite you
parents and students to join us!

IBST Parent Booster Club