
2014年2月10日 星期一

1/17 竹科參訪之行分享

1/17 到竹科拜訪 大有收穫...
因應WASC,課程精進,評鑑,前年開始每年舉辦Taiwan Educators Association (TEA),有100多人參加,包括IBST教師。
另成立Corel Reef Student Ambassadors,舉辦Hsin MUN等。
加入WASC要先有common course standards,選擇適合的教材,有行為指標,2013年舉辦TEA,就課綱邀請該領域講師。
現在G1~G12有common assessments,curriculum maps。另有Student support team (SST),採用MAP (measures of academic progress),一年可測驗4次,可找廠商來說明。舉辦校友回娘家活動,與學弟妹分享。counselors會與家長各自談,其待遇高,難請,要留住人。另採technology support learning,運用網路學習。在家長支援方面,有WASC leadership members兩位,每年有career day,Fund raising募職員、教師出國、進修,冷氣等經費。
IBST 家長聯誼會會長及多位家長代表提出相關問題也多有所回應,對未來IBST的努力方向有更明確的想法。
IBSH Visit Minutes
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu (IBSH) has 30-year successful experience in bilingual education. IBST Principal Lin and Director Martina and six Booster Club members visited them and learned things that can be referenced on the IBST’s further development. Some experiences IBSH school and its PTA shared with us are stated below.
Time: 1/17/2014 10:00am~2:00pm
Place:IBSH in Hsinchu
Attendees: IBSH Principal Christine Huang, Director Jessica Wang, Secretary Tiffany Chen
IBST Principal Lin, K. T., Director Martina Lin; Booster Club: Andrew Chang, Susanne Ganz, Yu-Ching Kao, H. T. Lin, J. J. Tang, David Liu
IBSH offers many (17) AP courses. To meet the requirements of WASC, the common course standards were established and the courses and teachers were evaluated. Taiwan Educators Association (TEA) was held since 2012 to provide professional development to teachers in which IBST teachers also attended. Experienced speakers were invited from the US to offer such training. Common assessments and curriculum maps are offered to G1 to G12. Alumni were invited back to share experience and give advice to current students. Counselors are important and expensive. They talk with individual parents about their children’s situations. Fund raising is done annually to supplement school budget, for hiring administrative staff, teacher training, air conditioners in classrooms, student activities, etc. Cross-department courses and activities are offered to students of different departments.
Time: 1/17/2014 2:30pm~3:10pm Place: IBSH PTA Office
Attendees: IBSH PTA Rian Li (President), Jennifer Tsai (VP G10-12), Minnie Lu (VP 4-6), Catherine Huang (VP 1-3), Jessica Chen (Secretary)
IBST Booster Club: Andrew Chang, Susanne Ganz, Yu-Ching Kao, H. T. Lin, David Liu
The IBSH PTA’s operation just follows the 30-year tradition, in which the parents participate in the school’s activities and donate money. The parents are requested to contribute help to her/his chosen service jobs. At the school year beginning, the school will propose the fund needed (about NT$1.3 million) with items mentioned above. The PTA will raise the money from all parents proportionally based on the number of students. For example, they have almost 600 students. Each student parent is about to donate $2,000. In addition to that, a student parent needs to pay the $1,000 membership fee per year. The fee is collected almost completely from all parents. The PTA has an office in which parents gather from time to time and know each other well.

