
2014年3月31日 星期一

IBST Parent Directory 家長通訊錄建置中

Dear parents: 新竹實中雙語部家長會有個全部家長的通訊錄在聯絡大家上方便很也能增進大家對家長會的連結力南科實中雙語部家長會也覺得有此需要,準備製作通訊錄,目前已開始收集家長的電話 (email來自學校已有提供)希望能有大家的電話使通訊錄齊這資料將只用在雙語部家長間的聯絡敬請回覆您的資料給Lisa 謝謝 The PTA of IBSH (our counterpart school at Hsinchu) has a directory of all parents. It helps all members easier to contact each other and increase the cohesion of an organization.IBST feels such a need and has start collecting all of the phone numbers of parents (emails obtained from the school). We hope you could help us to complete this. This directory will be used solely for the contacting among IBST parents. Please provide your information to Lisa. Thank you very much. 張行道教授南科實中雙語部家長聯誼會長Andrew ChangPresident of IBST Booster Club

